Salesforce Flow Scenarios – Learn Flow with Scenarios

1. Flow to create Account and Contact from a Custom Object

2. Flow to create Contact Forms with Upload Files screen component

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3. Flow to Send Email to all the child Record of the Parent

4. Lookup Screen component in Salesforce Lightning Flow

5. Before Trigger in Flows for Before-Save Updates

6. After Save Update in the Salesforce Summer ’20 Flow Builder

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7. Flow to Delete the Child records in Summer’ 20 Flow Builder

8. Flow to Pass the whole record When Launching a Flow from a Quick Action

9. Before Delete Trigger in Salesforce Flows – Winter ’21 update

10. Rollup Trigger via Salesforce Record Triggered Flow – Trigger without code

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Shubham is the Founder of Salesforce Geek. He is also a Salesforce Certified Consultant.

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6 thoughts on “Salesforce Flow Scenarios – Learn Flow with Scenarios

  1. Create a Checkbox field in Contact object and name it “Salesforce User”

    When ever a contact is setup as Partner user, we need to make this field as true. If partner user is deactivated this field should be false.

  2. Hey
    I have a use case wherein we want to send notification to a manager upon deactivation of the user alongwith list of accounts the deactivated user assigned with.

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