Salesforce Associate Certificate Exam Questions - SET 2

40 Salesforce Associate Certification Question and Answers Practice Set-2

Are you looking for Salesforce Associate Certification exam practice questions?

This is set 2 of our Salesforce Associate Certification exam practice question series.

Salesforce Associate Certification questions are designed to cover the exam’s critical topics, including Salesforce basics, data modelling, security, reports, and dashboards.

Let’s dive into the Salesforce Associate Certification practice questions:

Salesforce Ecosystem

Question 1. Which Salesforce org type is best for developing and evaluating new features?

Answer: Sandbox

A Sandbox is a duplicate of a production Org, offering you the ability to design, personalize, and examine your features and functions without affecting your actual data and processes.

Question 2. What platform or community allows users to submit, discuss, and vote on ideas concerning Salesforce products and services?

Answer: IdeaExchange

Salesforce IdeaExchange is a website where people who use Salesforce can share their ideas about how to make it better. The best ideas are reviewed by the Salesforce team and might be used in future updates of the software.

Question 3. What is the job role within Salesforce that involves collaborating with stakeholders to define requirements, customize the platform, and support users in maximizing their utilization of Salesforce?

Answer: Salesforce consultant

Question 4. Which Salesforce Cloud should a company choose if they require the capability to send personalized messages to customers and track the open rates of those messages?

Answer: Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Question 5. What Salesforce solution provides enhanced functionality for setting up, pricing, and generating quotes for complex product configurations?

Answer: Salesforce CPQ

Question 6. Which Salesforce product is recommended for a company seeking to obtain deeper insights into their customer data beyond the capabilities of Salesforce dashboards?

Answer: CRM Analytics

Question 7. What is Salesforce?

Answer: Salesforce is a cloud-based CRM (Customer relationship management) tool providing a wide range of cloud applications like Marketing Cloud, Service Cloud, Sales Cloud and many more.

Question 8. What is the term used to describe the process of building a Salesforce solution using coding?

Answer: Procedural programming approach.

Question 9. Which model does Salesforce adhere to in order to demonstrate its values?

Answer: 1-1-1 model

It means Salesforce will commit 1% of their employee’s time, 1% of their equity, and 1% of their products for nonprofit initiatives.

Question 10. What is the term used to describe a Salesforce expert who specializes in the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) aspects of Salesforce?

Answer: Salesforce User Experience Designer


Question 11. How can a Salesforce license be freed or made available for reassignment when a user is no longer necessary to access the Salesforce org?

Answer: By deactivating the user

Question 12. What is the recommended source or platform for a user to explore and learn about different Salesforce features and how to implement them?

Answer: Salesforce help

Question 13. Which Salesforce tool can be used to visually represent the connections and relationships among different Salesforce objects?

Answer: Schema Builder

Set up ➡ Schema Builder

Schema Builder

Question 14. Which Salesforce environment provides a suitable platform for a user to evaluate a new feature before introducing it to a client?

Answer: Salesforce developer org.

Question 15. Using which Salesforce internal functionality user can move its implementations from one Salesforce org to another?

Answer: Change sets

Salesforce Administrator Exam Practice Set

Question 16. How can Salesforce licenses be allocated and made available for assignment to new users in Salesforce?

Answer: By deactivating the Salesforce users who are not part of the organization.

Question 17. How can you effectively monitor and keep a record of setup changes performed in your Salesforce org?

Answer: Using Setup Audit Trail.

Set up ➡ Type “Setup Audit Trail” in the quick find box ➡ Select “View Setup Audit Trail”

Question 18. Where should an associate navigate to check the field dependency of an object?

Answer: Object Manager

Question 19. In what format is a Salesforce username typically created?

Answer: It is created in the form of an email address.


Question 20. If a user has forgotten their Salesforce password, what is the process to regain access to their Salesforce organization?

Answer: By clicking “Forgot Password” on the login page.

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Data Model

Question 21.When an Account record is deleted, which other records are cascaded for deletion as well?

Answer: Related Contact and Opportunity records.

Question 22.On the opportunity object, which object relationship is standard as a Lookup field?

Answer: Account and opportunity have a look-up relationship

Question 23. Which specific custom field type in Salesforce supports the selection of multiple options from a list?

Answer: Multi-select picklist.

To learn more about picklists in Salesforce click here

Question 24. During Lead conversion, what are the various types of Salesforce records that can be created?

Answer: Account and Contact records are created. Optionally the Opportunity record can also be created.

Question 25. To automatically populate a specific value on the opportunity record, which field data type should the user use when creating a custom field on the opportunity object?

Answer: Formula field.

To learn more about formula fields in Salesforce click here

Question 26. How can a user consolidate or combine multiple permission sets in Salesforce?

Answer: Using Permission Set Groups.

Set up ➡ Users ➡ Permission Set Groups

Question 27. What are the different ways of granting access to records in Salesforce?

Answer: Organization-Wide Defaults (OWD), Role Hierarchy, Sharing Rules, and Manual Sharing.

Question 28. If you want to make a field mandatory on Contacts when the Department is “Health Care”. How can this be achieved?

Answer: Using Validation rules.

Question 29. If the user is encountering excessive search results while using the global search bar in Salesforce, what can be done to decrease the number of outcomes?

Answer: Add an Object search filter.

Salesforce Associate Certification questions Salesforce object filter

Question 30. Why do users, who are viewing the same opportunity records, experience differences in the visibility of certain fields?

Answer: The users are assigned different profiles and Page Layouts.

Reports and Dashboards

Question 31. In Salesforce, where can a user begin the process of creating a new report for the Opportunity object?

Answer: Reports tab

Question 32. Into which file formats can a Salesforce report be exported?

Answer: Comma-separated values OR Excel (.xls) file

Question 33. What specific report type in Salesforce facilitates the grouping of data rows, the display of subtotals, and the creation of charts?

Answer: Summary Report

Question 34. What steps can you take to limit specific users from accessing a Salesforce dashboard?

Answer: Restrict access to the folder where the dashboard is located.

Question 35. How can you create a report that shows Accounts having both open Opportunities and open cases, displaying details arranged adjacent to each other?

Answer: Using Joined Report

A Joined Report in Salesforce is a combination of multiple reports with distinct types into a unified view that offers a comprehensive data analysis.

Question 36. What schedule frequency intervals are provided for subscribers of a Salesforce dashboard?

Answer: Daily, Weekly, and Monthly

Question 37. What would be the appropriate report type for a sales representative to generate a list of client contacts for a marketing campaign email list?

Answer: Tabular Reports

Question 38. What types of charts are suitable for comparing values in Salesforce?

Answer: Bar Chart and Column Chart

Question 39. When tracking progress against a predetermined target, which Salesforce dashboard component is suitable for visual representation?

Answer: Gauge Component

Question 40. What report type in Salesforce is not compatible with bucket fields?

Answer: Joined Report type

Attempt the Salesforce Associate Certification Mock exam here

Salesforce Associate Certification Questions and Answers Practice Set 1

Salesforce Associate Certification Question and Answers Practice Set 3

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Complete Guide to Register for the Salesforce Certification exam

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Harshit is a 5x certified Salesforce developer currently working at UST. He is a storyteller at heart, with a knack for crafting compelling content on LinkedIn and penning insightful blogs on Salesforce technology.

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