36 Trigger Scenarios in Salesforce with Solution – Part 1

1. Write a trigger on Account, when an account is inserted, automatically account billing address should populate into the account shipping address.

When it comes to Account Billing and Shipping Address, we cannot directly enter the values to the field Address because the Address is split into Street, City, State, PostalCode, and Country. We are using ” before insert ” because we need to change the values of the account which is getting inserted. If we use ” after insert ” then the fields of the account we are inserting will become read-only and we will not be able to update that account. This is the reason we are using ” before insert “.

2. Write a trigger on the Account when the Account is updated check all opportunities related to the account. Update all Opportunities Stage to close lost if an opportunity created date is greater than 30 days from today and stage not equal to close won.

Here we have to update Account related Opportunities based on a condition which is mentioned above in Question. So here we are using ” after update ” because once the Account is updated we are not making changes for the Account which is getting updated instead we are making changes for its related Object Opportunity.

First, we have to get the Account Id’s of the Account which is getting updated in a Set<Id> and write a query to get that particular Account Id’s Opportunities, then loop the list of that opportunities and check for the condition given in question then change the values according to the question and also check for the mandatory fields to update in opportunity. Later update the list of Opportunities for which the changes have been applied by adding those to a separate list and updating that list.


3. Once an Account is inserted an email should go to the System Admin user with specified text below.

An account has been created and the name is “Account Name”.

From the above question, we can clearly come to the conclusion that Email has to be sent after the Account is Inserted, so we use “after insert “. When there is bulk insertion then we have to send a list of emails that is why we are using List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>. Since the Email has to be sent to System Administrator, we should first get the Email of the Admin using the query. Then we have to loop the Accounts which are getting inserted, then check whether the email id of the Admin is null or not before creating a mail to send. Later for each Account, we have to add a single mail because when each Account is added the System Admin should get an email. Then pass the required fields for sending mail add it to the List of mails and check if the list of emails is empty or not. After that, we are ready to send the list of emails. We can also check whether the mail is sent or not, if not sent you can also check the errors in the logs using the last ” if ” condition which I have written below code.


4. Once an Account will update then that Account will update with the total amount from All its Opportunities on the Account Level. The account field name would be ” Total Opportunity Amount “.

The first thing we have to see is which trigger to use ” before ” or ” after “,  here we have to update the Account itself again so we cannot use the ” after ” trigger because once the Accounts are updated the fields of the Account becomes ” read-only ” i.e, we will not be able to do changes to the Account data. So if we use ” before update ” then we will be able to make changes to the Account fields later it will get updated by default. This is the reason we are using ” before update “.

In the below code first, we are getting the list of Account Id’s  to get its related Opportunities. We have created a Map<Id,Double> where Id contains the Account Id and Double contains the sum of Amount of a particular Account’s related Opportunities so that it will be easy for us to insert the sum of amount according to the Account Id’s. Then we are getting the “Aggregate Result” i.e, we use this when we use sum or average in a query. We are putting all the data of the Aggregate Result to the Map which we have written before. Later we are looping the Accounts which are getting updated and check if that Account Id is there in Map, if it is there then we are changing the value of the ” Total Amount Opportunity ” field in Account.



5. Create a field on Account Named (Client Contact lookup to Contact). Once an Account is inserted a Contact will create with the name of the Account and that Contact will be the Client Contact on the Account.

Here we are using “after insert” because here the condition is first we should insert contact and then a related contact with the same name as account name, so to get the Account Id to make its related contact first the Account has to be inserted then only we will be able to get the Account Id. So we have to use ” after insert”.

We are looping the Accounts which are getting inserted and then also creating a Contact that has the same name as the Account and we are making it related to that particular Account only. Immediately after this, we are inserting those Contacts. Then we are getting the records of the inserted Account to put it into the Map<Id,Account> where Id contains Account Id and Account contains that particular Id’s records. After this, we are looping the inserted Contact and checking if the Contact’s Account Id is present in the Map. If present we are getting that particular Account’s record and given the Contact Id value to the field “Client Contact” of Account. Then we are adding it to a separate list to update it later. And finally, we are updating the Accounts for which the changes have been done.


6. Create a field on Opportunity Line item(Serial No (Text)) and populate increment values once an Opportunity Line Item is added. Let’s say if we add 3 products then the sequence would be “1,2,3”. Now if we delete 2 and again add one more product this must be 4 irrespective of the deleted sequence number.

The very first thing we have to do is create a field with the name “Serial No” of datatype “Text” in an “Opportunity Product” (also called as OpportunityLineItem). Later check whether there is “Product” on the related tab of “Opportunity”. So when you add a new “Product” in a particular Opportunity this Trigger is going to work. And also we will write a trigger on insert because the question tells on adding a product.

Here we are using “before insert” because when we add a new Product on a particular Opportunity then we also need to update the Serial No field of that particular OpportunityLineItem. And if we use ” after insert ” then the OpportunityLineItem field will become read-only and we will not be able to update that OpportunityLineItem.

In the below code we are getting all the OpportunityId in one Set so that we can get all the OpportunityLineItem of that particular Opportunity and the Serial No of that Opportunity Product. We are also using Map<Id, String> where Id contains OpportunityId and String contacts the new Serial No of that particular Opportunity Product. We are looping the OpportunityLineItem’s which we got through the query and checking if the Serial NO field is null, if it is null then we are making the Serial No field as 1. If not then we are getting the last number of the old value of the Serial No and converting it to Integer because we need to Increment it and append it. Then we are making chances in the Serial No field then adding the OpportunityLineItem to List so that we can update it later, and also adding the values to the Map. After this, we are updating the OpportunityLineItem’s which was previously present, and in which we made changes for the Serial No. Now the only thing left is changing the Serial No field of the newly inserting OpportunityLineItem, so we loop the inserting List of OpportunityLineItem check if its OpportunityId is present in Map, if present then get that Map values and place it to Serial No field else we are just passing 1 to that Serial No field.

Looking for part 2? – Trigger Scenarios Solution Part 2

If you didn’t go through the 36 Apex Triggers Scenarios in Salesforce Post Make sure to visit over there to check out the Trigger Scenarios
36 Trigger Scenarios in Salesforce

If you feel the solution can be optimized further please reach out to us.

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Started my Salesforce career in EPCET during Aug 2019 with Admin part and now I'm here working as a Salesforce Developer.

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50 thoughts on “36 Trigger Scenarios in Salesforce with Solution – Part 1

  1. How to write a trigger to update the field City, Street, Country, Postal Code in all related opportunities,
    when the same corresponding fields (from Billing Address) is updated in an account?

    1. Hi Harold,

      Write a Trigger on Account for after update and check if there is change in Billing Address of Account if yes then assign the updating Account Ids in a set. Then get all the Opportunities related to those Account Ids then loop all those opportunities and assign its particular account’s Billing address to those fields of Opportunity. Later update those Opportunities whose values are changing.

      Thank You.

  2. // could you please tell me why my code is not working

    I am new in Salesforce and I am trying to learn salesforce concepts

    Please tell me

    When Primary Contact is True then only selected Contact address is same as Account address

    trigger UpdateAddress on Contact (after update) {
    Set contactIds = new Set();
    for (Contact a : Trigger.new) {
    Contact old = Trigger.oldMap.get(a.Id);
    if (a.BillingStreet != old.BillingStreet || …) {
    if (contactIds.size() > 0) {
    Account[] updates = [
    select Id, AccountId
    from Account
    where AccountId in :contactIds
    for (Account c : updates) {
    Contact a = Trigger.newMap.get(c.ContactId);
    c.BillingStreet = a.BillingStreet;

    update updates;

    1. Hi Rahul,
      In Your trigger you are getting the Contact Ids in “contactIds” variable and In the query your passing It for Account. And the query is Completely wrong because in Account there isn’t any field called AccountId. Check those again and re-write it.
      Thank You

    1. Write a “after update” trigger on Account and check if there is change in the Service Status. If there is change in Service Status field then get that particular Account Id and query its related List(Contact) and List(Case) make the changes you need and put both the records into a List(sObject) and later check if that list is not empty and then update that list.

  3. i want to write a trigger when an Account new record is created The industry is equal to Education It will Assign Another user The record owner get Changed

    1. Hi Vijaya,
      “The industry is equal to Education It will Assign Another user The record owner get Changed” does this mean that when ever you create a record and if the “Industry” field is “Education”. Then you want to change the record owner? And also tell me is there any condition while assigning the owner. Like the user profile has to be “System Administrator” or “Standard User”. Any conditions like this?

  4. trigger Tri_21_09_Acc_up_con_bill on Account (after update)
    if(trigger.isafter && trigger.isupdate)
    set accids=new set();

    List conlisttoupdate=new List();
    list acc=trigger.new;

    for(Account EACC:acc)

    list conlist=[select Accountid,MailingAddress,MailingCity,MailingCountry,MailingPostalCode from contact where Accountid IN :accids];

    for(contact ECON:conlist)

    update conlisttoupdate;



    1. Hi Balaji,
      The code you have written doesn’t work when you update more than 120 records because you have written the SOQL query inside the “for” loop. Which is not a best Practice.
      Thank You.

      1. Balaji Say
        @@@@ now it’s works ,I inserted 200 records Through data loader

        trigger Tri_21_09_Acc_up_con_bill on Account (after update)
        if(trigger.isafter && trigger.isupdate)
        set accids=new set();
        list conlist=[select Accountid,MailingAddress,MailingCity,MailingCountry,MailingPostalCode from contact where Accountid IN :accids];
        List conlisttoupdate=new List();
        list acc=trigger.new;

        for(Account EACC:acc)

        for(contact ECON:conlist)


        else if(ECON.MailingAddress != null)
        update conlisttoupdate;


  5. trigger Tri_21_09_Acc_up_con_bill on Account (after update)
    if(trigger.isafter && trigger.isupdate)
    set accids=new set();
    list conlist=[select Accountid,MailingAddress,MailingCity,MailingCountry,MailingPostalCode from contact where Accountid IN :accids];
    List conlisttoupdate=new List();
    list acc=trigger.new;

    for(Account EACC:acc)

    for(contact ECON:conlist)


    else if(ECON.MailingAddress != null)
    update conlisttoupdate;


    @@@@ I think now it will work i inserted 200 records from data loader i worked successfully……!

    1. Hi balaji,
      It still doesn’t work because you have not added any value inside the set “accids” so by default the list(Contact) will be null. Close the for loop after the line where your adding the values to set and put that SOQL query after that.
      Thank you

  6. Write a trigger on Opportunity when an account is update when Opportunity Stage Change send email to Client contacts of Opportunity Account that your Opportunity Stage has been change.
    Subject: Account Update Info
    Body : Your account information has been updated successfully.

    1. Hi Atish,

      A similar scenario is present in http://salesforcegeek.in/trigger-scenarios-in-salesforce-part-2/ the 6th Scenario in this part 2 you can also go through that just that you need to make minor changes. First create a trigger on Opportunity with “after update” and skip all the lines from the lines until line 16 of the previous told similar example replace OpportunityLineItem with Opportunity and OpportunityId with Id and in line 18 change the if condition to check if the Opportunity Stage field has changed and AccountId field is not null then remove the line 19 and rest remains the same and check the line 20 and line 23 to get the Opportunities Account Client Contact and change the Body and Subject accordingly. And another thing I hope the Client Contact is a Lookup field on Account. Check all this and any queries you can revert back here.

      Thank You.

  7. Create the field called “contact relationship” checkbox on the contact object and create the object called ”contact Relationship” which is related list to the contacts(Lookup relationship) . Now logic is when we create contact by checking contact relationship checkbox, then contact relationship will be created automatically for that Contact . ?

    1. Hi Raj,

      The logic is simple create a trigger on Contact with “after insert”. Now loop all the contact that are getting create using ” for(Contact c : Trigger.new) ” now write a ” if ” condition to check if the check box field is true the inside the if loop create a instance of Contact Relationship Object and make sure you assign values for mandatory fields then remember to assign the Contact Id to the contact lookup field on Contact Relationship. Add that instance to a List of Contact Relationship variable which would be defined out of all the if conditions and for loops. Now at the last check if this List of Contact Relationship variable is not null then inside the if condition insert that List of Contact Relationship variable. That is all you have to do. If you have any queries, you can revert back here.

      Thank You.

  8. Write a trigger – ABC firm wants to create the student record and relate that with contact records.

    Requirement Details:-

    Create 1 custom object Student with fields Name, Email id, phone number, DOB, Address,etc

    On creation of student record, check contact email id if it is present then create Student record related to contact.

    If not present, then create contact and relate student records to that contact.

    Send mail by using student email id to inform the joining date and courses.

    1. Hi PU ,

      As per your question write a trigger on Student Object with “after insert” and first thing you have to do is write a instance for Map(Email, Id) and write a query where you get the list of Contact with fields Id and Email where Email should not be null and loop those list and add its Email and Id for the Map(Email, Id) that you declared. Now loop all the Student records that are getting inserted and add a if condition if the email id of Student is present in map. If it is present then get the value of that particular Email (i.e. we have passed the contact Id to map as values) and assign it to the Student’s Contact lookup field. Now lets go for else part where the Email Id of Student is not present in the Map(Email, Id) write a new instance of Contact object assign required field values and also do not forget to assign the Student’s Email to Contact’s Email then add the instance to List of Contact variable. Now check if the List of Contact variable is empty or not and then insert the List of Contact. Now loop all the Contacts which you just inserted and add its email and Id to the Map(Email, Id) and now just copy paste the code of looping the students that is getting inserted just that do not write the else condition. And in the same loop write an instance for Messaging.SingleEmailMessage and write all the required things like Subject, Body according to the requirement and do not forget to set the toAddress as the Student’s Email Id and add the single instance of Messaging.SingleEmailMessage to List of Messaging.SingleEmailMessage Instance and check if the List of Messaging.SingleEmailMessage is not empty and Send the List of Messaging.SingleEmailMessage. For the Email part you can check the http://salesforcegeek.in/trigger-scenarios-in-salesforce-part-2/ 6th scenario. If you have doubts you can revert back here.

      Thank You.

    1. Hi Shaktivel,
      You can do this with different ways Validation Rules and also with Triggers. If you want with triggers then Lets consider 2 Objects namely Parent Object and Child Object (remember Child Object has a Look up or Master Detail relationship field with Parent Object). Create a Trigger on Child Object with “before insert”. First declare Map(Id, Id) in which you will pass the Id of Parent and Id of Child(remember the key should contain the Parent Id and value should contain the Child Id) . And write a List of Child Object whose Parent field is not null and loop all those and add the Parent Id and Id of child to Map(Id, Id). Now lets loop the Child records which is getting inserted add a if condition where you will check if the Child’s Parent Id is present in the Map(Id, Id) If it is present the lets show a error message during insertion using childVariableLooping.addError(‘Error Message’); where childVariableLooping is the child variable which is looping. If you have any queries you can revert back.

      Thank You.

    1. Hi Shivansh,

      In Map(Id,Double) I’m passing the Id of Account and its respective Opportunities Total amount as per the SOQl query written in line 12 which would give me the Id of the Account and its respected Opportunities Total Amount. Now in Map we have have different Methods (You can go through the document https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexref.meta/apexref/apex_methods_system_map.htm for different methods in Map). In that we also have a Method ” get(key) ” and you call it like this ” mapName.get(mapKey) “. In the Map that I have declared the Id is Key which will always be unique and Double is its respected values. Now with ” amountmap.get(acc.Id) ” I’ll get the value of the Account Id mentioned inside the get parameter, that is I’ll get the Account Id’s repected Total Amount. This is how I’m updating the Total Opportunity Value on Account’s field.

      Thank You.

    1. Hi Vinu,

      As per your question the trigger has to be written on opportunity and on “after create”. Then loop the Trigger.new Opportunities and get all its Account Ids and put it into the set of Id and then write a query for getting the Account list whose Id contains in the set of Id you created and then further make changes as of the requirement and update that list of account thats all. And one more thing if you are updating the account field with value of a opportunity field then try using map of Id and the datatype of the field where in Id field you will be saving the account Ids and in the values of map you will add the value which you want to update for that particular account and then proceed.

      If you didn’t understand anything feel free to ask me.

      Thank You.

  9. create an account, contact and opportunity if a lead has status warm .the account name ,lead name ,l and opportunity name should match the lead name trigger

    1. Hi Akshay,

      According to your question write a trigger on Lead with “after insert” loop all the leads which are inserted using for loop. Write a if condition to check if the Status field is equal to warm then create a Instance for Account, Opportunity and Contact inside the for loop itself and make sure the Name of the Account, Opportunity and Contact contains the Name of the Lead, also do not forget the give some values for the mandatory fields which contains in Account, Opportunity and Contact. Then add those Instances to a List of sObject which should be declared outside the for loops and if loops. Later in the end check if the List of sObject is not empty, if not insert the List of sObject. That is all you have to do. In case you have any doubt you can ask me.

      Thank You.

  10. Whenever a new account is inserted and count of contact (for
    example you give 5)then automatically 5 records are created on
    a contact

    1. Hi Aryan Kumar,

      Your scenario tell that if you given a number for the count of contact in Account while insertion then we have to create contacts based on the number present in that count of contact field.

      So write a trigger on account with “after insert”. Then loop the accounts that is getting inserted with for loop then check for the count of contact field, if the field is not null then write a for loop like ” for(Integer i=0; i< a.count_of_contact__c; i++) " where " a " is the account which is looping and " count_of_contact__c " is the field which contains the number of contacts that has to be inserted and then declare a new contact instance and then make sure the contact name contains the account name and also the AccountId field in contact contains the looping account Id so that it would be easy for you to check the contacts in accounts related tab once the assigning of values is done add that particular Contact to a list of contact. Do not perform the DML operation inside the for loop. At the end check whether the List of contact is empty if not perform insert Operation for it. If any doubt feel free to ask it over.

      Thank You.

  11. In the 6th Question, you are considering that there will always be one Opp Line Item record to get Serial Num data from. But its not correct right? If all records are deleted, it will again start from Serial Num 1.
    We will need to create a field on Opp to keep how many were created & use that as base to increment.

    1. Hi Mohit,

      As per the question it tells that each time a Opportunity Line Item is added the serial number has to be concatenated with the number of the insertion of Opportunity Line Item for a particular Opportunity is happening, exclusion of the count of deletion. The trigger that T have written will give the serial number as 1 if it is first insertion and for the rest it continues with the number of time the insertion is happening. I have written the trigger based on the requirement of the question. Please check it again.

      Thank you.

  12. In Q6 the Serial no Always show 1…..i created 3 product the s.no show 1 in each nd every product..why???

    1. Hi Aryan Kumar,

      As mentioned it is not Product it is Opportunity Product. Make sure you are created Opportunity Product. That is go to particular Opportunity record you can see a Product related Tab, from there create the Opportunity Products and check.

      Thank You.

  13. Hi,
    for the second senario as you mentioned that update opportunities whos created date is greater than from today.in If condition we have to write this one
    if(opp.CreatedDate>day30) .why you metioned below contion.Please let me know i am confusing…
    if(opp.CreatedDate<day30 && opp.StageName!='Closed Won')

    1. Hi Bhavani,

      As mentioned in Question it is “Write a trigger on the Account when the Account is updated check all opportunities related to the account. Update all Opportunities Stage to close lost if an opportunity created date is greater than 30 days from today and stage not equal to close won.” it tells we should also make sure that the Stage should not be equal to “Closed won”. That is the reason I have added “opp.StageName!=’Closed Won’ ” condition. And if you check the code you have a line “DateTime day30=system.now()-30;” In this line I am taking the date which is 30 days before from today (that is I’m going 30 days back and taking that date and saving it in “day30”) Now the question tells “opportunity created date is greater than 30 days” that means the gap between the created date and today is greater than 30. when will the created date be greater than 30 days when the gap between the created date and todays date is greater than 30 that is the created date more behind.

      Let me give you an example if you take created date as 30 April 2023 and todays date as 29 may 2023 in this case the gap between the created date and todays date is not greater than 30. Now lets consider 25 April 2023 as created date and todays date as 29 may 2023 now the gap is greater than 30.Now according to my login I have taken the exact 30 day prior from today in on variable called 30 days so the value of that date will be 29 April 2023 now lets compare it with the created dates
      scenario 1
      30days = 29 April 2023
      created date = 30 April 2023
      according to the above explanation the gap between the given created date and today date was not greater right?
      scenario 2
      30days = 29 April 2023
      created date = 25 April 2023
      according to the above explanation the gap between the given created date and today date was greater right?
      So now according to the scenarios when created date is less then 30days variable i need to perform the operation not on created date is greater then 30days variable.

      I guess it did help you understand.

      Thank You.

  14. trigger OppStageUpdate on Account (After update) {
    List oppsToUpdate = new List();
    for(Opportunity opp : [SELECT Id, StageName FROM Opportunity WHERE AccountId IN :Trigger.New AND CreatedDate < Last_N_Days :30 AND StageName != 'Closed Won' Limit 50000]){
    opp.StageName = 'Closed Lost';
    update oppsToUpdate;

    1. Hi Nitin,

      You can use this but imagine there is a situation where the account updating doesn’t have any record whose created date has passed 30 days or all the Opportunities are “Closed Won”.Then in that situation the loop doesn’t have any data to be looping then will your code doesn’t give null pointer exception?

      Thank You

  15. Can you please help with the below scenario

    When and Opportunity is created, if the account has any contact who is a member of a
    campaign type ‘Partners’ in Status ‘In Progress’. Create and automation that fills the
    Primary Source Campaign field with the correspondent campaign. If there are more
    than one campaign, select the most recent, using the Start Date field.

    When and Opportunity Line Item is created, if the account of the opportunity has any
    related campaign, search for their Campaign Line Items and if any of those correspond
    to the same product as the Opportunity Line Item, create and automation that fills the
    field Affected_Campaign_Line_Item__c with the correspondent campaign line Item. If
    there are more than one campaign, select the most recent, using the Created Date

    1. Hi Manoahr,

      The 2nd scenario was clear enough I can give you the solution steps. Can you be more specific about the scenario 1 where it tells “if the account has any contact who is a member of a
      campaign type ‘Partners’ in Status ‘In Progress’ “. For the solution you can directly email me on my Mail Id.

      Thank You

  16. Update the sum of all the invoice item of an account.
    Can I get the code for above condition.

    1. Hi Sanketh TK,

      Sorry that I’ll not be able to provide the Code in comment session because after commenting I see that some special characters might miss up and some words do get missed up bcz of writing in between special characters. But I can help you through the steps you want to follow. Try writing the Trigger on Invoice Item for after insert, after update, before delete and after undelete. And loop all the Invoice Items that is getting inserted or updated or deleted or undeleted (I mean loop both Trigger.new and Trigger.old values of the object that is triggered) Get the Account Id of all the Invoice that are going through the DML Statements in a Set(Id) and write a query to get all the Account Ids with the total sum of its Invoice items which is similar to query that i have written in this same blog 4 question line 12. And the rest of the steps are same until line 20. After that write a List(Account) =Select Id,Summary From Account where Id=: (the variable name of the set(Id) in which you saved the AccountIds) use this query and make sure to replace Summary with the actual field where you want to save the Sum of all the particular Account’s Invoice Items.
      Later look the List(Account) that you just queried and follow the steps of question 4 line 23 – 25 inside that loop and just replace the field name according to your scenario. After that make sure you do check if the List is empty or not and do the Update Dml Statement for that list(Account).

      If you were not able to understand the solution you can put your Email Id and the field nams of Account and Invoice Item in the Comment. I’ll forward you the code.

      Thank You

  17. Scenario :
    There are 2 records types of Account–Basic Account and Volunteer Account. On Basic Account, we created a lookup field to Volunteer Account.

    Qeus: When we update description of Volunteer Account, same description should automatically get stamped to all the child accounts present in related list.

    1. Hi Mukta,

      As I read through your scenario. You have an Account Object with 2 record type as below
      Account–Basic Account
      Volunteer Account
      And you have created a Account lookup inside Account Object where you will only be able to select the Account of record type “Volunteer Account”.
      If my understanding is right then you need to create a Trigger on Account after update and first loop all the Account that is getting updated and then also write a if condition in loop to check if that particular account is Account with record Type “Volunteer Account” and then add the Account Id to a Set(Id). Now get all the Accounts with record Type “Account–Basic Account” and whose Volunteer Account Lookup field consists of the Id which you added in the Set(Id) and also make sure to query Volunteer Account Lookup field’s Address fields (Eg : Select Id, RecordType.DeveloperName,VolunteerAccount__c,VolunteerAccount__r.BillingCity,BillingCity From Account where RecordType.DeveloperName =’Account_Basic _Account’ AND VolunteerAccount__c=: accIdSet ). Also dont query the Address field directly which will not work make sure you query city,State,Country and rest as well. Make sure that the query looks almost similar to the example that I have given you. After that make sure the list is not empty and loop all the Accounts of that query and make sure you update the actual Address field with Parent’s Address field
      for(Account a : accList){
      a.BillingCity =a.VolunteerAccount__r.BillingCity;
      I have just showed it for one field make sure you add the rest. and after this make sure you check for list to not be empty and update the list of accounts.
      Also I warn you that if you are doing mass updating like 10000 records and each parent account has 2 child record then you might exceed standard limitations.

      Thank You.

  18. Hi,
    In 1st scenario “Write a trigger on Account, when an account is inserted, automatically account billing address should populate into the account shipping address.”

    “a” is not a correct Variable.

    I Just modified let me know

    trigger changeShippingAddress on Account (before insert) {
    for (Account aObj : Trigger.new) {
    // We should check if Billing Address fields are not null before copying
    if (aObj.BillingStreet != null) {
    aObj.ShippingStreet = aObj.BillingStreet;
    if (aObj.BillingCity != null) {
    aObj.ShippingCity = aObj.BillingCity;
    if (aObj.BillingState != null) {
    aObj.ShippingState = aObj.BillingState;
    if (aObj.BillingPostalCode != null) {
    aObj.ShippingPostalCode = aObj.BillingPostalCode;
    if (aObj.BillingCountry != null) {
    aObj.ShippingCountry = aObj.BillingCountry;

    1. Hi Prakash,

      I understand your concern of changing the variable name from ‘a’ to ‘aObj’. We do write the Names of the variable to make it user friendly like when a user looks at the word ‘aObj’ in the code he understands that ‘aObj’ is nothing but Account Object. But that doesn’t mean that writing ‘a’ is wrong way. You can use your own indications to declare a variable name according to your wish.

      Thank You.

  19. Hi , please give solution for this

    write a trigger for
    Only Admin can delete Closed Opportunities and an email should be sent to Owners for Closed Won Opportunities. If any other user other than Admin try to delete the Closed Opportunities, then throw an error Msg “You don’t have permission to delete Closed Opportunity!!”

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